During this week we host 5 visitors; 3 from Czech Republic and 2 from Germany. With this hosting we finish our two years project. There is only one mobilty left for Turkey next week.
We are happy that we did so well and finished a successful Erasmus+ project.
Thanks for all the participants and...
Úgy tűnik, mintha nem történne semmi az Erasmus+ programban. Pedig még hátra van két hospitálás (job shadowing). Az egyik februárban, a másik májusban. És ugyan távolinak tünnek, de nem telik el úgy hét, hogy ne váltanánk levelet vagy csak egy rövid üzenetet az ottani koordinátorkkal. Mi is...
Our colleague Éva Pató Csabáné Szebényi is back from a successful job shadowing on ICT. She spent a week in Braganca (Portugal) as a guest of Agrupamento de Escolas Miguel Torga and visited several lessons where students used ICT tools or mobile technologies. You can find her report here.
We organised the Day of European Languages on 24th September. Our students prepared traditional dances from several countries and performed it for a wide audience of the school. More information here.
In May 2015 we had guests from Azores (Portugal). 6 teachers from Escola Básica y Secundaria de Velas visited our "Special needs" teacher colleagues. They were really happy to have such an amazing experience at our school. We hope to visit them soon too. More about their visit : here.
We had 1500 unique visitors since we started our Erasmus+ KA1 project called TEST. Thanks to everyone who visited our website, you made us very happy!
Elértük az 1500 látogatószámot mióta elkezdtük TEST című Erasmus+ KA1-es projectünket. Köszönet a látogatóknak, nagyon örülünk...
Nagyon köszönjük, hogy ennyien látogatják honlapunkat és megoszthatjuk Önökkel tapasztalatainkat, élményeinket. / We are really happy and glad that you have already visited our website and we can share our experineces with you.
Our colleagues (Szalay Melinda and Ivanics Renáta) leave soon for Germany and take part in a Job shadowing on ICT and language teaching. We wish them a successful visit.